Command: debug

  DEBUG is a clone of the MS-DOS DEBUG command.
  DEBUG is a relatively advanced DOS tool but has many uses. For
  instance, it can be used to:
    * find bugs in programs,
    * create programs from assembly code,
    * inspect and edit binary files.


  DEBUG [[drive:][path]progname [arglist]]
    progname: (executable) file to debug or examine
    arglist:  parameters given to program


  For a list of debugging commands, run DEBUG and type ? at the prompt.
  assemble         A [address]
  compare          C range address
  dump             D [range]
  dump MCB chain   DM
  enter            E address [list]
  fill             F range list
  go               G [=address] [breakpts]
  hex add/sub      H value1 value2
  input            I[W|D] port
  load program     L [address]
  load sectors     L address drive sector count
  move             M range address
  80x86 mode       M [x] (x=0..6)
  set FPU mode     MC [2|N] (2=287,N=no FPU)
  set name         N [[drive:][path]progname [arglist]]
  output           O[W|D] port value
  proceed          P [=address] [count]
  quit             Q
  register         R [register [value]]
  FPU register     RN
  toggle 386 regs  RX
  search           S range list
  trace            T [=address] [count]
  trace mode       TM [0|1]
  unassemble       U [range]
  write program    W [address]
  write sectors    W address drive sector count
  expanded mem     XA/XD/XM/XR/XS/X? for help


    Debug is a tool for programmers and professionals.
    For more information see: OR: OR:
    C:\FREEDOS\DOC\DEBUG\debug.txt (can be installed with FD live CD).


  See links in section "Comments" above.

See also:

  See links in section "Comments" above.

  Copyright © 2004 Michael Webster, 2010-2022 Japheth.

  This file is derived from the FreeDOS Spec Command HOWTO.
  See the file H2Cpying for copying conditions.