Command: md / mkdir

  MD / MKDIR creates a directory or subdirectory.


  MD [drive][path]pathname
  MKDIR [drive][path]pathname
  MD [/?]
     drive     The drive letter where you want to create a
               directory, e.g. C:
     path      The pathname which already exists, e.g. if you
               are already in a directory.
     pathname  The name of the directory you want to create,
               e.g. \example. This may also be the name of a


  /?  Shows the help


  Instead of MD you can also use MKDIR.
  If you simply type "MD PATHNAME" the directory will be created
  in the momentaneous directory. Means: You create a subdirectory.
  In pure DOS the directory name must not be longer than 8 letters.
  MD is a command internal to and needs no other file
  in order to work.


  md c:\test                 (creates directory test in the root
                             directory of C:\) OR:
  md c:\test\testx           (creates directory testx if C:\test exists)
                             OR if you are in c:\test:
  md test2                   (creates c:\test\test2)  OR:
  mkdir c:\test\testx\testy  (Creates the directory testy in the
                             directory \test\testx of drive C:. If the
                             directory C:\test\testx does not exist,
                             the command fails.)

See also:


  Copyright © 2004 Robert Platt, updated 2011 and 2022 by W. Spiegl.

  This file is derived from the FreeDOS Spec Command HOWTO.
  See the file H2Cpying for copying conditions.