Command: time

  Displays or sets current time.


  1. TIME
  2. TIME [ /T ]
  3. TIME [ /T ] time


  All options must precede any arguments.
  none     You are prompted for a new time for your system.
           The time to set for your system.
           'hh' is the hour on a 12 or 24 hour clock.
           'mm' is the minute.
           '' is seconds and hundredths of seconds.
  /T       Prevents from prompting the user, only he time is displayed.
  /T time  The time is tried to be changed, but the loop is not entered
           on failure.
  /?       Shows the help.


  Variant 1 displays the current time, then enters a loop prompting
  the user to enter a new time. The loops terminates when a valid
  time had entered or the user just pressed the ENTER key to accept
  the current setting without changing it.
  Variant 2 displays the current system time only.
  Variant 3 does not display the current time, but tries to change the
  current time to the specified time, on failure the loop as explained
  above is entered.
  The individual portions of a time may be sperated by at least:
  dots ., colons : and forward slashes /. Other nationally used
  characters may be supported, too. If a certain number of portions
  are specified:
    hour:minute; seconds and hundreds default to zero,
    hour:minute:seconds; hundreds defaults to zero,
    more than 4 portions result in an error.
  Separated by no, one or more whitespaces the am/pm modifiers may
  follow optionally. If present they alter the given time as follows:
    AM: if hour is equal to 12, it becomes 0 (midnight).
    PM: if hour is greater than 12, it is incremented by 12.
  TIME is a command internal to and needs no other file
  in order to work.


  Example 1:
    Asks you for a new time
  Example 2:
    TIME /T
    Just displays the current time.
  Example 3:
    TIME 18:2
    Sets the current system time to 6:02 PM.

See also:

  Copyright © 2004 Robert Platt, updated 2011 and 2022 by W. Spiegl.

  This file is derived from the FreeDOS Spec Command HOWTO.
  See the file H2Cpying for copying conditions.