Command: blocek

  Blocek is a text editor for DOS with several unique features. Unlike
  the most DOS editors it works in graphic mode which brings many
  advantages. First of all it is not limited to 256 chars of the ASCII
  set like editors working in the text mode. Blocek can work with Unicode
  files and use 65,536 characters of the Basic Multilingual Plane which
  is sufficient to nearly all present languages.
  Besides that it still keeps the ability to work in the non-Unicode mode
  using the legacy DOS fonts from data files or using the hardware font
  the VGA graphic card effectively emulating the traditional text mode
  Blocek is also a image viewer which displays BMP, PCX, PNG, JPG and WMF
  vector files. In JPG files it can show the EXIF tags and allows to copy
  the stored information to text window.
  Blocek can open, display and edit many files simultaneously and can
  process very big files with very long lines. It uses mainly
  proportional fonts but the unproportional fonts are also available.
  Other interesting features are advanced word wrapping in the text
  files, the ability to change interface language (at the moment, Czech,
  English, French, German, Russian and Turkish versions are available)
  and more. The home site for Blocek is:


  Hence Blocek is the DOS editor, it tries to cooperate with DOS system
  settings and environment as much as possible.
  By default (which can be changed), it loads the current DOS character
  set and uses the DOS keyboard driver and some tricks on using the DOS
  keyboard driver after changing to Unicode mode. However, except the
  default DOS keyboard driver, Blocek can use its own keyboard drivers.
  You can switch them anytime by clicking the language selector in the
  upper right corner of the screen (or pressing Alt+LShift).
  For example, you have DOS set to Central European code page with the
  DOS keyboard driver set to Polish, but you need to write Russian text.
  In Blocek, you simply set the keyboard language to Russian and either
  switch the font to non-Unicode Cyrillic font or you convert the
  document to Unicode and you have all the Unicode characters available
  in the Basic Multilingual Plane.
  The default fonts for Unicode and non-Unicode modes can be changed by
  editing the configuration file BLOCEK.CFG.
  For Unicode mode you can use the bundled fonts with extension UFN
  (located in the FONTY subdirectory). The default one is the file
  UNISMALL.UFN which is quite complete but you can use other UFN fonts
  but they currently contain much less chars.
  For non-Unicode use the fonts with extensions CH or FN defining the
  codepage dependent charsets with 256 glyphs. Or you can use the
  current loaded VGA fonts used by DOS.


  Blocek supports only the so called basic multilingual plane (BMP) of
  Unicode standard. But it covers virtually all present languages, except
  some less frequent east-Asian glyphs. The emoji pictures are currently
  not supported.
  The combining diacritics marks are also not currently supported but
  it is not a big problem as the Unicode files usually use the embedded
  diacritics marks. The only exception where it is really missing are
  the emphasised cyrillic chars (but anyway, they are used very rarely).
  There are supported all relevant standards for Unicode coding: UTF-8,
  UTF-16 LE and UTF-16 BE. Also is supported the HTML Unicode represen-
  tation like "č" for "c with carron".


  The block operations were reworked in the version 1.7. First of all,
  the text blocks can be selected not only in the edited text, but also
  in the single line input boxes or from most of the texts somewhere in
  GUI like in information windows.
  The block can be selected in three ways:
  1.   By keyboard functions. For the keyboard shortcut, look below.
  2.   By dragging the mouse with pressed left button.
  3.   Go to the some place of the text and press Shift+Left mouse
       button (LMB). Then go to the other place and again press the
       Shift+LMB. The space between these two locations will be selected
       as a block. (This mechanism only works in the edited text).

  What you can do with selected blocks:
  -    Delete them (CTRL-Del).
  -    Use them as a scope for many search or conversion operations.
  -    Copy to clipboard and eventualy paste somewhere.
  Most of the editors use only one clipboard. Blocek has seven indepen-
  dent clipboards. For copying into clipboard press Ctrl+number 1-7 (it
  was inspired by Command and Conquer game) and the block will be copied
  into clipboard 1-7. The upper line shows which clipboards are used in
  the menu. With Alt+number 1-9 you can paste defined clipboard in cursor
  position. Or you can also click on clipboard indicators in the menu.
  However, this variant will only work on editing text – not from the
  information windows.


  Blocek is not only the text editor but also a picture viewer. It is
  possible to open several text editor and picture windows simultaneously
  and fluently switch among them. However, there's a limitation that
  Blocek runs in 16-bit colors, but most images in these days use 24-bit
  colors. So the colour quality is reduced a little bit in the viewer.
  Also note that Blocek can only display the images but not modify them.
  Which image formats Blocek can load:
  BMP, PCX, GIF, PNG, JPG - even with EXIF tags. Blocek is able to show
  EXIF tags and copy the information to clipboard and edited text (I'm
  not aware of any other DOS program which knows the EXIF information).
  WMF - still used but a little bit outdated vector format.


  Blocek loads its configuration from two files: DEFAULT.CFG and
  BLOCEK.CFG. DEFAULT.CFG is a "factory setting" and shouldn't be changed.
  BLOCEK.CFG is user setting which has higher priority than the default
  one. In other words: if a variable will be found in both files, variant
  from BLOCEK.CFG will be used.
  In the distribution archive is spread only DEFAULT.CFG - so getting a
  new version can't change your favourite setting. If Blocek is installed
  first time and no BLOCEK.CFG is present, it will be created from
  DEFAULT.CFG. If in future I add some new variable into DEFAULT.CFG,
  Blocek will detect it and copy this setting into BLOCEK.CFG.


  All texts in Blocek will be loaded from files in the TRANSLAT sub-
  directory and are named BLOCEK1.xx and BLOCEK2.xx (where "xx" is the
  language identifier). It allows you to use Blocek in various languages.
  Czech, English, French, German, Russian and Turkish languages are
  supported. Blocek is open source so feel free to create your own
  translations. In the past we had a Hungarian translation but it's not
  fully compatible with the current version. The translation instructions
  can be found in the file \TRANSLAT\TRANSLAT.TXT.
  The other localization features are the custom keyboard layouts and
  the Unicode and non-Unicode conversions filters.
  All these files are in the KEY_TBL subdirectory. Feel free to create
  your own keyboard layouts. You have to create a new .KBT file and store
  it in the KEY_TBL subdirectory.
  You can also create your own ASCII-Unicode conversion filters in .TBL
  format. They are already prepared for many languages but you can still
  need a filter between Unicode and some alternate non-Microsoft standard
  for extended ASCII. The description of the .TBL format and a small
  conversion utility for it is available in the KEY_TBL subdirectory.
  And finally, you can define files with the A8T extension which is used
  to group alternate ASCII codings to one language. For example, Czech
  uses codepages 852 (MS-DOS), 1250 (Windows), ISO-8859-2 (Unix) and 895
  ("Kamenicti" standard for DOS). The A8T can group these codings
  together to make the conversions easier between them.


  The reasonable minimal hardware for running Blocek:
  Pentium 100MHz, 16MB RAM, Graphic card with 1MB VRAM compatible with
  VESA VBE 1.2 and capable to run at least 800x600 16-bit, Mouse,
  DOS 5.0 or equivalent.
  Blocek needs the 386 instruction set but supports MMX extensions when
  available. The 686 instructions are not used in the official builds.
  Blocek needs the DPMI server for handling the extended memory. There
  is bundled a CWSDPMI r7 server in Rayer’s modification (which disables
  VCPI) but you can use any other DPMI server (official CWSDPMI, HDPMI32,
  ..). However you should prefer some with disk swapping.
  Blocek can use the long file name services when available (e.g. under
  Windows 95 or with proper DOS driver). This program is written and
  complied in Freepascal ( actualy used version
  3.0.4, for GO32V2 (DOS).


  F10              - enter main menu
  F1               - make a new file
  F2               - save file
  F3               - load file
  Alt+F3           - close file
  Alt+F1           - load this file (INFO.TXT)
  Ctrl+F           - search
  Ctrl+S           - search again
  Ctrl+H           - replace
  Ctrl+A           - select all document to block
  Ctrl+Q           - offers a variant for last written character
                     (like a-á-ą-...)
  Ctrl+K           - char conversion functions
  LShift+Alt       - change keyboard layout
  Ctrl+Alt+Up      - select actual line to block
  Ctrl+Alt+Down    - word on the cursor to block
  Ctrl+Alt+Left    - all chars from cursor to left to block
  Ctrl+Alt+Right   - all chars from cursor to right to block
  *arrows          - moves cursor
  *Ctrl+PageUp     - jumps on first line of the file
  *Ctrl+Home       - dito
  *Ctrl+PageDown   - jumps on last line of the file
  *Ctrl+End        - dito
  *Ctrl+RightArrow - moves one word to right
  *Ctrl+LeftArrow  - moves one word to left
    These function keys (marked with the "*" char) can be combined with
    the Shift key. In such case, together with cursor movement
    also creates or updates the selected text block.
  Ctrl+Space       - delete selected block
  Ctrl+[1-7]       - copy selected block of text into clipboard No 1-7
  Alt+[1-7]        - paste text from clipboard No 1-7 into cursor
  Ctrl+plus and Ctrl+minus (on the numeric keyboard)
                   - fast switching of opened files forward or backward
  ESC              - quit
  Alt+F2           - make a screenshot


  (a) In the document window:
     Left mouse button (LMB) click - moves cursor on selected place
                                     in text
     LMB click+shift               - select beginning and end of text
     LMB press and drag            - interactive selection of text block
     Right mouse (RMB) click       - shows information and optionally a
                                     conversion menu for the char you
                                     clicked to
  (b) In panel with cards of opened files:
      LMB click - switch the main window to specified file
      RMB click - several actions with specified file (close, close all
      but this, show full file path)
  (c) In the clipboards indicators:
      MB click - menu for operations with the clipboard
  (d) All other buttons and GUI elements only use the left mouse button
      at the moment. The right button is not currently used.
  (e) As described above, since version 1.7, it is possible to move the
      windows by dragging the title bar with their mouse.

  Copyright © 2023 Ladislav Lacina, help version 2023 W. Spiegl.

  This file is derived from the FreeDOS Spec Command HOWTO.
  See the file H2Cpying for copying conditions.