Command: clamav

  CLAMAV is the FREEDOS Antivirus scanner.
  Making it work is not so easy as it consists of up to three
  parts that have to be downloaded and combined.
  The first part is: CLAMAV, the second part is CLAMDB and
  the third part (user interface) is FDAV which is not necessary
  for command line version.

  You can download these parts from internet via fdnpkg install.
   (a) fdnpkg install clamav  (the console version of clamav)
   (b) fdnpkg install clamdb  (the virus database)
   (c) fdnpkg install fdavx   (user interface - SORRY - at the moment it
                             cannot be downloaded and installed this way!)
  As an alternative you can download the packets from:
  and there:
  MAIN.CVD, 30 MB (only available at:
  (in about 30 MB) OR:
  clamdbx-0.95.2 OR OR clamdbx-0.95 which are smaller
  Unzip them all and copy the whole content into one folder
  (e.g. C:\UTIL\CLAMAV).
  Create an empty folder C:\VIRUS

Command line version:

  As most of the options are not needed, I start directly with making
  CLAMAV work in command line.
  To make the virus checker work from command line or user interface
  you need at least 128 MB RAM (or more) for work with version
  54 of ClamAV database (30 MB size)!
  Database version 54 only runs with main.cvd. In combination with
  daily.cvd it will hang. Version 54 main.cvd supports 1,044,363 virus
  Version 51 - main.cvd supports 545,035 virus definitions, in combination
  with daily.cvd 640,722.
  Version 51 needs less RAM (?? MB RAM) - depending on you use both cvd
  files or only main.cvd. All these zip files are available from:

  The command line looks in about as follows:
  clamscan --tempdir=C:\Freedos\temp* --database=FILE or DIR** --recursive
  --move=c:\virus*** c:\

    * C:\Freedos\temp should already exist, if not, please create it.
   ** --database=file (file=C:\util\clamav\main.cvd)
   ** --database=dir (dir=C:\util\clamav, uses main.cvd and daily.cvd
      if available)
  *** C:\virus has to be created first!

  So the whole command looks in about as follows (depending on your

  clamscan --tempdir=C:\Freedos\temp --database=c:\util\clamav\main.cvd
  --recursive --move =c:\virus c:\  OR:
  clamscan --tempdir=C:\Freedos\temp --database=c:\util\clamav\
  --recursive --move =c:\virus c:\

  Of course you can start this from a batch file and add other drive
  letters. For unknown reasons it sometimes doesn't work, so please
  be patient.

User interface version:

  Follow the steps at section "Command clamav".
  Means: Download all three parts (zip) and extract the files from
  folder "bin" and "lib" (db!) into ONE folder, e.g. C:\UTIL\CLAMAV.
  Keep in mind that you need at least 128 MB RAM.
  Then go to C:\UTIL\CLAMAV and execute "fdav.exe".
  Wait a while till it starts.


  In case that clamav should not work, please check that there is enough
  free space on the HD. If not, check C:\VIRUS and C:\FREEDOS\TEMP
  if they are empty.
  Please also check that you have enough RAM!


  - none -

See also:

  - none -

  Copyright © the ClamAV team,, help version
  2023 W. Spiegl.

  This file is derived from the FreeDOS Spec Command HOWTO.
  See the file H2Cpying for copying conditions.