Command: dosutil

  DOSUTIL is a collection of small utilities for batch files.

Available programs:

  ASKECHO   (ASK and ECHO) Simply writes its arguments to stdout.
  CGENERR   Takes one numeric argument in the range of 0 .. 255. It
            terminates immediately returning this number as error code.
            Tests the "IF ERRORLEVEL n" command of batchfiles.
  DUMPENV   Simply writes the current environment to stdout in much the
            same way as the built-in command SET (without arguments)
            would do it.
  FAM       (Find and modify) is a program  that reads text from its
            stdin channel, line by line, and splits each line into
            several (up to ten) fields,  according to certain rules.
  FNTOOL    A LFN-aware utility to process DOS filenames in various ways.
  FORM      Displays a form on the screen, accepts the user's entries.
  GENERR    Takes one numeric argument in the range of 0 .. 255. It ter-
            minates immediately returning this number as error code.
            Tests the "IF ERRORLEVEL n" command of batchfiles. See
  INLINE    Reads lines beginning with a distinct label from a file and
            writes them to stdout.
  INVOKE    Is a program that takes the name of another program as first
            argument and possible (up to 19) more arguments.
  PIPESET   (PIPE via stdin and SET environment variable) can be used to
            set environment variables.
  PRINTF    Print formatted does essentially the same as the built-in
            echo command, but allows to format the text in various ways.
  RPN       (Reverse Polish Notation) is a program to carry out numeric
  SCRDUMP   Writes a portion of the screen to stdout if stdout is redir-
            ected to a file. Serves as logging feature in batch files.
  SELECT    (SELECT an item from a menu) is a program  which presents
            the user a menu  from which he/she can pick an item.
  TEE       is a program that simply copies its stdin to stderr.
  TIMESTMP  (TIMESTAMP) is a program that simply writes its arguments to
  TR        (TRanslate characters) is a program which allows to replace
            certain characters in an input by a replacement.


  Please run "command" without any arguments for more information.


  DOSUTILS have an extensive documentation that is beyond the scope of
  this help. For more information see:  OR:


  Examples for all these comments are beyond the scope of this help.
  Sorry for that. Please run "command" to get more information.

See also:


  Copyright © 2010 Jürgen Hoffmann, help version 2023 W. Spiegl.

  This file is derived from the FreeDOS Spec Command HOWTO.
  See the file H2Cpying for copying conditions.