Command: nro

  NRO is a text processor and formatter based on the design provided in
  "Software Tools" by Kernighan and Plauger. The text and commands
  found  in the infile(s) are processed to generate formatted text. The
  output may be directed into a file or to the printer, otherwise, the
  output will appear at the user console.


  nro [-n] [+n] [-pxx] [-v] [-u] [-b] [-mmacfile] infile ...


  The +n option causes the output to start with page n.
  The -n option causes the output to stop after page n.
  The -v option prints the version number to the console.
  The -p option causes the output to be shifted to the right by xx
         spaces. This has the same effect as the .po command.
  The -u option enables underlining and bold to appear in the
         output text.
  The -b option allows backspaces to be used when underlining or
         overstriking. Otherwise a carriage return without linefeed is
         used. This has the same effect as the .bs command with a non-
         zero argument.
  The -m option processes the file mfile for macro definitions. Note
         that files processed in this way should contain only macro
         definitions, no immediate output should be generated from this file.


  NRO has a lot of commands, e.g.:
  .bo, .bp, .br, .bs, .cc, .ce, .de, .cu, .ef, .eh, .en, .fi, .fo, .he,
  .in, .ju, .ls, .m1, .m2, .m3, .m4, .ne, .nf, .nj, .nr, .of, .oh, .pc,
  .pl, .po, .rm, .so, .sp, .ti, .ul.
  NRO has an extensive documentation that is beyond the scope of
  this help. For more information see:


  - none -

See also:


  Copyright © 2007 Steffen Kaiser, help version 2023 W. Spiegl.

  This file is derived from the FreeDOS Spec Command HOWTO.
  See the file H2Cpying for copying conditions.