Command: ntfs

  NTFS is a collection of tools to change the password of a NT user
  and to access NTFS files.
  chntpw:    Lets you change password of a user in a NT SAM file.
             You may experiment severe problems with Win2K
  ntcat:     Dumps the contents of an NTFS file to stdout
  ntcp:      Read a file on a NTFS drive
  ntchange:  Change a file on a NTFS drive
  ntdir:     dir
  ntdump:    Prints low-level structures of an NTFS
  ntmkdir:   Creates a new directory
  samdump:   Change password of a user in a NT SAM file


  chntpw   [OPTIONS] <samfile>
  ntcat    [OPTIONS] [directory/]filename
  ntchange [OPTIONS]
  ntcp     [-V|h] <src> <dst>
  ntdir    [OPTIONS] path
  ntdump   [OPTIONS]
  ntgrep   [OPTIONS] string
  ntmkdir  [OPTIONS] path
  samdump  <samfile>


  all:  --help, -h  Display this help message
    -u <user>       Username to change, Administrator is default
    -l              (Try to) list all users in SAM file
    -i              Interactive. List users (as -l) then ask for
                    username to change
    -e              Registry editor (currently read-only)
    -d              Enter buffer debugger instead (hex editor)
    -t              Trace. Show hexdump of structs/segments.
                    (debug function)
    See readme file on how to extract/read/write the NT's SAM file if
    it's on a NTFS partition. NOTE: This program is somewhat hackish!
    You are on your own!
    --offset -o offset   Use offset
    --size, -s size      Only first size bytes
    --bias, -B bias      Use partition bias
    --buflen, -b buflen  Read with buffer size buflen
    --8859-1, -1         Use charset ISO-8859-1 (default is UTF-8)
    --version, -V        Display version
    -o offset            Offset in file
    -a start size        Allocate cluster range
    -d start size        Deallocate cluster range
    -W inum              Read and write inode inum
    -t newsize           Truncate inode to newsize
    -i inum              Operate on inode inum
    -A anum              Operate on attribute anum (80)
    -L string            Make inode a symlink with value string
    -n name              Create file name in dir inum
    -V                   Print version
  ntcp:                  Files on the NTFS volume are accessed as
    --dos, -d            Display only short names
    --nt, -n             Display only long names (default)
    --posix, -p          Display all but hidden files
    --long, -l           Display all files
    --unsorted, -U       Do not sort names alphabetically
    --8859-1, -1         Display names using ISO-8859-1 (default is
    --filesystem, -f device   Use device
    --raw, -r                 Access the raw device
    --offset, -o n            Start at offset o
    --cluster, -c n           Start at cluster n
    --mft, -M                 Display as master file table record
    --inode, -i n             Display inode n
    --dir, -d                 Display as directory
    --info -I                 Display file system information
    --decompress, -D n        Decompress run n
    --bias -B n               Add partition bias n [bytes]
    --attribute-type, -A n    Dump type n
    --attribute-name, -N str  Dump attribute named str
    --verbose, -v             Decompress verbose
    --linode, -n              Show internal inode representation
    --version, -V             Print version number
    --filesystem, -f device   Use device as volume
    --offset, -o n            Start at offset n
    --ignorecase, -i          Do caseless search
    --ascii, -a               Search for ASCII string (def. is Unicode)
    --nodump, -n              Display only location, don't dump context
    --continue, -C            Continue searching until end of volume
    --cluster, -c n           Start at cluster n
    --blocksize, -b n         Dump n bytes around the location
    --bytes                   String is given as hex bytes
    --filesystem, -f device   Use device
    --version, -v             Display version
    - none -


  At a newer
  version of CHNTPW is available (0.98.4).


  To change NT password,
  - Autodetection mode:
      1.  ntcp ///winnt/system32/config/sam sam
      2.  chntpw -i sam
      3.  ntchange sam ///winnt/system32/config/sam
  - Manual mode:
      1.  ntcp //hda2/winnt/system32/config/sam sam
      2.  chntpw -i sam
      3.  ntchange sam //hda2/winnt/system32/config/sam

  To extract password,
  - Autodetection mode:
      1.  ntcp ///winnt/system32/config/sam sam
      2.  samdump sam
  - Manual mode:
      1.  ntcp //hda2/winnt/system32/config/sam sam
      2.  samdump sam

  Use the manual mode if your NTFS partition is not detected.
    hda2  a=first hard disk (a,b,c,...)
          2=partition number 2

See also:

  Copyright © 2001 Christophe Grenier, help version 2023 W. Spiegl.

  This file is derived from the FreeDOS Spec Command HOWTO.
  See the file H2Cpying for copying conditions.