Command: rcal

  RCAL is an interactive calculator that loosely mimics the behavior of
  "roller printing" calculators. It supports huge numbers, floating point
  and has extremely low hardware requirements.


  rcal [/log=file.log] [/?]


  /log=file.log  Writes the log file ("paper of roller printing")
  /?             Shows the help


  rcal is a 16-bit (real mode) DOS application. It needs DOS 3+, an 8086
  CPU and around 100 KiB of available conventional RAM.
  Using rcal is as simple as launching the rcal executable and providing
  the operands and operators that need to be computed. Following operators
  are supported:
   '+' and '-' (add/subtract)
   '*' and '/' (multiply/divide)
   ^ - power
   % - percent
  Inputing a negative operand requires to press the 'S' key (S = change

  Operator notes:
  1. The percent operator acts in a perhaps peculiar way, since it
     actually does slightly more than just scaling a value down by 100.
     When it is preceded by an addition or subtraction, the percent
     operator will add or subtract the product of the previous operand.
       Operation: "300 + 5%" will actually perform "300 + (300 * 5%)"
  2. The power operator (^) supports only integer exponents.
  3. Divisions are performed using a precision limited to 20 decimal

  Values that can be input to rcal can have up to 10 integer digits and
  6 fractional digits. The computation engine itself is able to handle
  much bigger numbers though: the entire result can be up to 56 digits
  long (longer intermediate results are possible, but won't be displayed).


  Enter an operand, followed by an operator, followed by an operand.
  Press ESC to quit.
  rcal                        (Enter rcal first, followed by ENTER)
      2.795      =  2.795     (Enter the value followed by +)
  +   3,87629    =  6.67129   (Enter the value followed by -)
  -   5.123456   =  1.547834  (Enter the value followed by /)
  /   2          =  0.773917  (Enter the value followed by *)
  *   4          =  3.095668  (ESC to quit).
                 =  Goodbye

  rcal                        (Enter rcal first, followed by ENTER)
      55         =  55        (Enter the value, followed by ^)
  ^    4         =  9150625   (Enter the value, followed by ESC)
                 =  Goodbye   (55^4 = 55*55*55*55)

  rcal                        (Enter rcal first, followed by ENTER)
      555        =  555       (Enter the value, followed by +)
  +    10%       =  610,5     (Enter the value AND "%", followed by -)
  -    20%       =  488,4     (Enter the value AND "%", followed by *)
  *     3%       =  14,652    (Enter the value AND "5", followed by ESC).
                 = Goodbye

See also:


  Copyright © 2018 Mateusz Viste, help version 2023 W. Spiegl.

  This file is derived from the FreeDOS Spec Command HOWTO.
  See the file H2Cpying for copying conditions.