Command: slicer

  SLICER is a simple file archiving and slicing/spanning program for DOS.
  SLICER is very similar to tar. However, it has different primary focus
  and objectives.


  slicer [options]


  SLICER option information:
  /q    Disable all status messages
  /v    Enable verbose status messages
  /t    Test mode
  /h    Display help information
  /i ?  Include items maching filespec (option is assumed)
  /I ?  Include items from file list
  /e ?  Exclude items matching filespec
  /E ?  Exclude items from file list
  /d    Exclude empty directories
  /D    Do not recurse subdirectories
  /a    Include all hidden and system items
  /o    Overwrite existing files
  /k    Do not ignore file case
  /g ?  Specify group category
  /s ?  Size to slice archive, K, M or Bytes (only valid when creating a
        new archive or re-slicing an existing archive).
  /y    Automatically accept any prompts (not including file overwrite).

  Operations related to entire archive:
  /f ?  Specify archive file name
  /c    Create a new archive
  /r    Append to existing archive
  /x    Extract from an existing archive
  /R    Generate archive report
  /O?   Set destination extraction path

  Embedded text, notices and messages:
  /L ?  Override system default language
  /m ?  Embed message text from file
  /M ?  Embed message text from file that requires a user to agree

  Pass-through compression:
  /p ?  Enable pass-through compression (GZ, maybe others later)


 ### How is *File SLICER* different?
  Unlike other archiving utilities, *File SLICER* is more of a multi-
  language group based file resource splitter, archiver and installer
  hybrid utility.
  When files are added to an archive, they may be given group tags.
  These tags can be used to pull only specific classes of files from the
  archive. For example, if storing a program, you could tag source files
  as ***src*** and store binaries ungrouped. Then on extraction, the
  binaries would always get extracted. But, the sources files would only
  get extracted if the ***src*** group is is requested.
  Then the multi-language thing... Language specific text can be embedded
  into an archive. This text may be displayed automatically during the
  extraction of an archive and also supports group tags. So, you could
  embed English and Spanish text at the start of a ***src*** group that
  gets displayed when the ***src*** group begins extraction.
 *Installer kinda stuff. Well, only to the extent that multi-language
  text can be flagged whith the **/M** switch to require user acceptance.
  This would allow a license to be displayed and accepted before a group
  is extracted.
 *A file splitter thingy. It always works in splitting mode. The size for
  each file is defined when an archive is created and cannot be changed
  unless it is re-sliced. The primary archive file always ends in **SAF**
  and additional files are numbered **001** and up. The first portion of
  primary archive file's header is in pure text and can be viewed by
  simply using the type command. If any additional non-language specific
  text was appended to the header using the **/m** switch, it will be
  shown as well.
 ### One more thing...
  The FreeDOS installer for the Floppy Edition uses **SLICEREX** to
  perform the installation of all the software packages. This is specially
  tuned version of **SLICER** for the primary function of extracting
  FreeDOS under the extreme memory limitations (everything loaded into
  low memory) that the Floppy Edition operates. **SLICER/EX** is still
  very new. So if for whatever reason the installation of packages fails,
  you can try again and turn on logging for **SLICEREX** by setting an
  environment variable **SLICER.LOG**. This log is gigantic and pushes
  6mb under normal installations. It also really slows down the instal-
  lation process. When you set the variable to turn on logging, I
  recommend using **set SLICER.LOG=C:\SLICER.LOG** for the file.


  - none - at the moment it is only used in FREEDOS for installation.

See also:


  Copyright © 2019-2020 Jerome Shidel,help version 2023 W. Spiegl.

  This file is derived from the FreeDOS Spec Command HOWTO.
  See the file H2Cpying for copying conditions.