Command: v8power

  V8POWER Tools is a set of batch file enhancement utilities for DOS that
  can provide text UI and other processing functions (UPX'd)

Available utilities:

  VASK      Prompt for text input.
  VCHKBOX   Placeholder, not yet in use.
  VCHOICE   Choose an option, returns an errorlevel.
  VCLS      Clear screen.
  VCURSOR   Change or query the cursor size and shape.
  VDELAY    Delay in milliseconds.
  VDELETE   Delete row (line) at the current location.
  VEACH     Do something for each item in a list.
  VECHO     Output text to display.
  VERRLVL   Sets current errorlevel. Mostly for testing batch file logic.
  VFDUTIL   File and directory utility.
  VFONT     Temporarily load a text mode bitmap font.
  VFRAME    Draw a box windowing thingy and move cursur to its inside top
            left position.
  VGOTOXY   Move or query cursur position.
  VINFO     General system information utility.
  VINSERT   Insert a blank row (line) at the current location.
  VLINE     Draws a line.
  VMATH     Simple math utility, but not a calculator.
  VMODE     Set and query current video text modes.
  VPAUSE    Simple wait for keypress or time-out.
  VPCSPKR   Generate a tone using the built in speaker.
  VPROGRES  Draw a progress bar at current location without moving cursor.
  VREADKEY  Placeholder, not yet in use.
  VSTR      Simple string processing utility. Outputs results to STDOUT.
  VTEST     A tester of state.
  VVER      V8Power information program.
  VVIEW     Placeholder, not yet in use.


  Please run "command /?" or "command /? | more" for more information.


  V8Power Tools Usage:
  Here is some basic information regarding all utilities and how they
  operate. Options, values and hexidecimal numbers are not case specific
  /f white is the same as /F wHIte.
  Hexidecimal numbers may be prefixed with 0x to prevent them from being
  treated as base ten. (Example: 10 and 0x10)
  Spaces are mostly optional. /B7/f0 is the same as /B 7 /F 0.
  But, not / B7 / F0.
  To use a / or spaces in a value, put it in qoutes. Like
  "Jack and/or Jill".
  Use multiple qoutes to use quotes. Like "Jack's house" or 'Say "What?"'.
  Unless overriden, most utilities use the text attribute at the current
  cursor location.

  Here is color table used for all **/A**, **/F** and **/B** switches:
  Decimal     Hex         Label (Not case specific)
   0          0x00        Black
   1          0x01        Blue
   2          0x02        Green
   3          0x03        Cyan
   4          0x04        Red
   5          0x05        Magenta
   6          0x06        Brown
   7          0x07        Gray / Grey

  (Foreground /f and /a only)
   8          0x08        DarkGray / DarkGrey
   9          0x09        LightBlue
  10          0x0a        LightGreen
  11          0x0b        LightCyan
  12          0x0c        LightRed
  13          0x0d        LightMagenta
  14          0x0e        Yellow
  15          0x0f        White

  Most of the individual tools that support color changing also support
  changing the Blink/Intensity setting. However, most tools do not
  mention it.
  /BlinkOn    Enable the Blink/Intensity bit. (Start Blinking)
  /BlinkOff   Disable the Blink/Intensity bit. (Stop Blinking)

  The DOS command line (and batch files) is limited to approximately 128
  characters. This could make it difficult for tools like vecho to print
  multiple lines at once. However, many tools such as vecho, vstr, etc.
  support loading text resources from a file using the /T switch.
  Generally, the /T switch is used to provide "Translation" text for a
  batch. When loaded from file, the V8Power Tools utility is limited to
  10 kilobytes per lines. Beyond that, the utility will ignore any
  remaining text on that line. 10kb is equal to 5 screens or more
  of text and is overkill.


  Examples for all these comments are beyond the scope of this help.
  Sorry for that. Please run "command /?" to get more information.

See also:


  Copyright © 2015-2021 Jerome Shidel, help version 2023 W. Spiegl.

  This file is derived from the FreeDOS Spec Command HOWTO.
  See the file H2Cpying for copying conditions.