Command: pcisleep

  PCISLEEP shows information about your PCI/AGP devices, scans for
  devices of a given class, and activates energy-saving modes,
  including VGA suspend, for devices. Combine it with FDAPM.


  PCISLEEP L(ist), S(leep), V(ga-sleep), Qnnnn

[Main menu] [top] (Syntax) [Options] [Comments] [Examples] [See also] [File]


  L(ist)   Shows a verbose list of PCI/AGP devices. Look up vendor/device
           numbers on WWW.
  Qnnnn    Shows a numerical list of all devices of class n.
           N must have 2 or 4 digits: Qff and Qffff show a list
           of classes. Example: Q02 lists your network card(s).
           ERRORLEVEL is the number of found devices.
  S(leep)  Halts the CPU and puts (only) the D1/D2 sleep capable
           devices (see LIST output) into D1/D2 energy saving state.
           V(ga-sleep) does S(leep) and suspends D3 capable VGA cards.
           The monitor is put to (DPMS) sleep, too.

[Main menu] [top] [Syntax] (Options) [Comments] [Examples] [See also] [File]


  Press a key to end V or S sleep. A PCI BIOS is required.

[Main menu] [top] [Syntax] [Options] (Comments) [Examples] [See also] [File]


  pcisleep L
  pcisleep Q02
  pcisleep S

[Main menu] [top] [Syntax] [Options] [Comments] (Examples) [See also] [File]

See also:


[Main menu] [top] [Syntax] [Options] [Comments] [Examples] (See also) [File]


  Please read this command's lsm file also.
  You will find the updated version (internet) here and
  the version described in this manual page here.
  The lsm file contains information about the name of the programmer,
  the download site, and some other command related information.

[Main menu] [top] [Syntax] [Options] [Comments] [Examples] [See also] (File)

  Copyright © 2008 W. Spiegl.

  This file is derived from the FreeDOS Spec Command HOWTO.
  See the file H2Cpying for copying conditions.